In ‘Ambulance Service of NSW v Worley; further legal lessons for the emergency services(2007) 5(2) Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care (continued as the Australian Journal of Paramedicine) Article 990235 I wrote about a case involving the Ambulance Service of NSW.

At the time I was invited to give a seminar on legal issues affecting ambulance services and I now attach a copy of that paper. The paper deals with a number of issues and cases including a prosecution of the NSW Fire Brigades by the WorkCover Authority for breaching NSW Occupational and Health and Safety Laws, and two cases involving ambulance services, one against the Metropolitan Ambulance Service in Victoria and the other against the Ambulance Service of NSW.

There has been an appeal to the Court of Appeal in the NSW case and I also attach a paper that is a discussion on that decision.

Arising legal issues for ambulance services

Neal v ASNSW

I trust both these are of interest.

Michael Eburn
29 January 2009.